Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday of Holy Week-Anointing

Mark 14:1-9

It was only two days before Passover was to begin and Jesus was at Bethany, in the home of Simon the Leper. While Jesus was there eating a woman came in carrying a bottle of very expensive perfume. She opened the bottle and poured it on Jesus’ head.

I know. That seems a little strange, especially in Jesus’ day, that a women would come in from the streets and pour something on a man’s head.

And several of the guests were furious. “What an amazingly wasteful thing to do! Don’t you know the value of that perfume? It could have been sold for the equivalent of a year’s wages and the money given to the poor.” They were angry, annoyed and up in arms against her.

 “Let her alone,” Jesus says. She has just done something incredibly gracious and loving for me. You will have the poor with you everyday of your lives. You can do something for them every day, whenever you choose. That is not true for me. She has pre-anointed my body for burial.

 “You can be sure that wherever in the whole world the Message is preached, what she just did is going to be talked about admiringly.” It is interesting that while she was giving her all, Judas was looking for a way to betray, for a few pieces of silver. 

At the end of the time of reflection at our Sunday evening service, we often invite folks to ask ‘I wonder…’ questions. As I read this story, I can’t help but wonder how she knew? How did she know when no one else, at least not any of the disciples, was able to see what was about to happen? How did she know? Why is it that Judas couldn’t see? Did she know or was there just something driving her to reach out to Jesus? Why is it that we don’t see?

Lord of life, we too, are often blind and insensitive, not able to see or sense those things going on all around us, that require our presence and attention.  You ask that we be your Church, that we be your Love, that we be your hands and feet—that all would know and be immersed in the baptism that is your love, grace and mercy. Forgive us when we fall short and help us not only to see but to act. For it is in your name that we pray. Amen.

~ Rich Greenway

I Will Give What I Have  (Stages on the Way, Iona Community)

From a high, secret shelf, I take what I hid myself-
Perfume, precious and rare, never meant to spill or spare.
This I’ll carefully break, this I’ll empty for his sake:
I will give what I have to my Lord.
Though the action is crude, it will show my gratitude
for the truth that I’ve learned from the one who’s heaven-sent;
for the life once a mess which his beauty can express,
I will give what I have to my Lord.
With his critics around, common gossip will abound.
They’ll note all they see to discredit him and me.
Let them smirk, let them jeer, say what people want to hear;
I will give what I have to my Lord.
It’s because he’ll receive, that I believe
God has time for the poor. He has shown us heaven’s door.
Be it perfume and care, be it anger or despair,
I will give what I have to my Lord.

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