Monday, March 30, 2015

Tuesday of Holy Week-Jesus Curses the Fig Tree

Mark 11:12-14, 20-25

I know, what a strange story, that Jesus would find the need, the desire to stop and curse a tree…

The details are simple and rather matter-of-factly shared in Scripture. Jesus is hungry. He sees a fig tree in full leaf and comes to it expecting to find something for breakfast. He finds however, nothing but fig leaves (It wasn’t yet the season for figs!) Then Jesus says to the tree: “No one is going to eat fruit from you again—ever!”

He said this right in front of the disciples and they heard him.

The next morning Jesus and the disciples pass by the fig tree again. It had shriveled to a dry stick. (They are departing from Jerusalem where Jesus has just “cleansed” the Temple.)

Peter, remembering Jesus’ words and actions from the previous day, said to Jesus, “Look Rabbi—the fig tree you cursed has shriveled up!”

Jesus’ response is simple and straight forward, “Embrace this life centered in God that has been given to you. Really embrace it and nothing will be too much for you. Immerse everything you do in prayer and nothing will be impossible. And remember, always remember, when you are praying, it’s not just about ‘asking.’ If you have anything against someone, offer forgiveness—only then will you be ready to receive the forgiveness that God has waiting for you.

But what about the poor tree? Could it be that Jesus expects we followers, disciples, believers to be fruitful every day—in and out of season? What is keeping you, what is keeping us from being ‘in season’ for God’s kingdom, today?

Lord of this world, Lord of this Holy Week, help us to look deep inside. Often we don’t see or recognize the very things that are keep us from you and each other. Cleanse us. Help us to be fruitful for you kingdom. Amen.

~ Rich Greenway

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