Sunday, March 15, 2015

What is "Fasting/"

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…” John 3:16a

Fasting isn’t something we like to talk about these days.  Perhaps, it’s something no one has ever really liked to talk about.  And yet, we will fast from delicious carbs like ice cream and donuts to lose weight, fast from sleeping in for a run or a bike ride or a sale at our favorite retailer, we fast from sleep to finish a project for work or school, or we even fast from lunch hour to protest at the capital.  So maybe fasting isn’t so strange?   Okay, you’re right.  We don’t usually use the word “fast” or “fasting” when talking about weight loss or exercise or work but the idea is the same but only makes sense in religious terms.  When we fast we give up a certain need or pleasure for a set amount of time but what separates fasting from all of the above is the reason. 

What is that reason?  If you answered Jesus, you’re correct!  We fast out of a response to what God has already done for us in Jesus.  The verse at the beginning sums it up well, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…” God gave up or maybe another way to state it; God fasted from the presence of his son because he loves us.  God loves us that much!  Fasting doesn’t begin by contemplating how horrible we are and how we need to do something about it.  Rather, fasting begins by contemplating how wonderful God’s love for us truly is. 

If you are thinking about fasting from something, take time to think about and wonder about how truly God does love you.  Let John 3:16 be your mantra as you begin your fasting journey. 
~ Matt Seaton

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