Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Becoming Light

“For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed.” John 3:20

Ever notice that people don’t look happy when you tell them you’re fasting?  My friend Mike was telling me the other day of how when he told his friend Joe about fasting from movies during Lent, his friend treated him as if he was crazy!  Joe was acting as if he was taking Mike’s decision to fast from movies as a personal assault.  Mike and Joe are still good friends but Joe just couldn’t understand Mike. We don’t know what exactly caused Joe to act the way he did.  But it makes you wonder if Joe, a good Christian, has doubts about his consumption of movies.  Fasting causes others to wonder about you.  It may even challenge them and their practices and cause them to become upset. 

Fasting or other spiritual disciplines can act as a mirror both to others and us.  It can mirror back to us where the light of Jesus hasn’t been shown.  It may cause us some serious distress as we consider stopping some deed that has taken priority in our life.  Fasting can also act as a mirror to others as it challenges them too.  Mike never told Joe he had to fast from movies too but Joe acted like it.  When the light shines, the darkness takes notice.  After Mike and Joe parted that day, Joe prayed about his decision to give up movies.  He did decide that movies had taken front and center in his life.  They had crowded out Jesus, so that he could not hear Jesus.  So he too decided to give movies up for Lent. 

          May the light of Christ shine through you to the world.  May Christ’s light illuminate your life and dispel the darkness.   

-Rev. Matt Seaton

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