Monday, March 16, 2015

How to Succeed at Fasting

“…so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” –John 3:16b    

            We are a success-oriented culture.  We like to see numbers at the bottom line grow.  We like to see the number on the scale shrink week by week.  We check our retirement savings to see if our shrewd investment strategies have worked.  We look at reports cards to see how well our children have improved.  We love to see our team win each week (Go Duke!).  Let’s face it we love, not just like or hope for but LOVE, to succeed. 

            But how do you know if you are succeeding at fasting?  One religious group, who lived around Jesus’ time, the Pharisees had many ways to measure and quantify the quality of a person’s fast.  If you asked a person, who knew the most about fasting, they would answer the Pharisees.  But Jesus didn’t agree.  In fact he challenged them often on their views of fasting and religious observances.  They had become so concerned with measurable results they lost themselves along the way.  Their practicing of fasting brought death but Jesus came to give us life. 

What are the signs of life?  Paul, in the letter to the Galatians, writes about the fruits of the Spirit.  These signs of life are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Fasting helps us to see where we are deficient in these areas but it also helps us to grow in these areas.  Paul also tells us some great news about fasting.  The Holy Spirit is with you!  She tends to your budding spiritual fruits and helps cultivate them while you fast. 

Fruit takes along time to grow and ripen.  It won’t happen over night.  So fasting won’t be a quick fix to an impatient life.  But fasting becomes the means by which the Holy Spirit can help us where we need to grow and gives us life.  Which comes back to the question, how do you know you’re succeeding at fasting?  I answer with a question; do people know you for your fasts or for your fruits?  Are you known as a person who is generous, kind, and loving or cranky, miserly, and uncaring?  Which way of living gives life to relationships? 

May this season of fasting bring forth new life in your spiritual journey and cause others too share in that life. 

~ Rev. Matt Seaton

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