Friday, March 6, 2015

Holy Habits

How is your Lent going so far? Have you been able to begin a new habit or discipline making more room for God’s presence in your life? If not, today’s a great day to start!

It only takes a few minutes. Take a walk or find a quiet place and just be still in God’s presence. Or go to a public place, a coffee bar or a sandwich shop and just begin to notice the others around you. Ask God to show you someone who needs your prayers today. I promise it won’t take long until someone or something catches your eye and your prayers.

 If you are struggling to find a discipline to take on that seems to fit you and your gifts, email Laura or me. We’d be glad to help with suggestions.

A friend shared a discipline that he has been practicing for several years. I was so moved that I asked if it would be okay for me to share it with you in today’s devotion.

My friend collects fountain pens. You know, pens that have an actual ink well or pens that have to be dipped in ink to write. He started collecting because his dad had always loved fountain pens and he inherited his dad’s pen collection a couple of years ago.  

Several times a week he sets aside a few minutes just to sit and write with one of his pens. No great plan of what to accomplish, just a few minutes of quiet and paying special attention to the feel of the pen and the way it moves against the paper. He says that fountain pens write differently than other pens. When the ink hits the paper it flows. You don’t have to force it, just feel and guide it.

He’s been working to teach himself calligraphy. "There is something deeply satisfying about watching as the letters take shape." Whenever he sees an example somewhere of writing that appeals to him, he looks at it closely trying to memorize the way the lines take shape. The next time he sits to write he works to recreate those same lines and patterns. In the quietness of his writing, he finds a connection to his father. He also finds a connection to God.  

Spiritual disciplines and holy habits don’t have to be difficult or extravagant. They just need to be able to help us stop, take a deep breath and be connected with God and each other.  

May you holy habits bring you closer to God this Lenten season!

~ Rich Greenway

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