Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sabbath Starters as Lenten Disciplines?

Sabbath Starters
From and Nancy Sleeth

We are often asked, “How do I take steps to begin observing a Sabbath?” After taking our Sabbath Pledge, here are some ideas to get you started.

1.    Encourage your family to take guiltless naps.

2.    Say grace before every meal on the Sabbath.

3.    Take a Sabbath walk.

4.    Take a media fast.

5.    Spend at least half an hour in silence.

6.    Find a church home, if I don’t have one already.

7.    Write a letter of appreciation.

8.    Engage in service outreach.

9.    Talk with your family and decide how you want to celebrate the Sabbath.

10.  Clean the house and do all errands the day before the Sabbath.

11.  Light Sabbath candles.

12.  Avoid eating out, buying things, and driving (except to church).

13.  Select a devotional to share with your family.

14.  Take off your watch and remove all reminders of work during the Sabbath day.

15.  Prepare a special Sabbath meal and invite someone to share it with you. Try baking Challah bread.

16.  Turn off the computer and your cell phone. Use your answering machine to screen calls

17.  Fill a special play box for children with quiet activities reserved for the Sabbath.

18.  Read Psalm 92 (the Sabbath Day Psalm) or Psalm 23, 24, 29, 93, 126, or 148.

19.  Talk together. Share praises and concerns with family or friends. Ask forgiveness from anyone you may have hurt or offended this week. Bless your spouse and children. Read a book aloud together.

20.  Spend at least ten minutes completely surrounded by nature.

21.  Prepare most Sabbath meals with local or organic foods.

22.  Pick a cue throughout the week to bring in a moment of Sabbath peace to your weekday routine.


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